Capture all the excitement of the historic 2009 IRA Championships. See all 5 eight-oared National Championship races in their entirety by instant download and on DVD, along with lineups and interviews. The 5,000 fans at the event got a real treat on this one!
QuickTime (Available for Windows and Mac) $7.99: Men's Varsity 8 Grand Final Package in QuickTime $4.99: Women's Lightweight 8 Grand Final in QuickTime $4.99: Men's Lightweight 8 Grand Final in QuickTime $4.99: Men's Freshman 8 Grand Final in QuickTime $4.99: Men's Second Varsity 8 Grand Final in QuickTime $9.99: IRA Value Pak in QuickTime (includes all 5 Grand Final races) | Windows Media (Available for Windows) $7.99: Men's Varsity 8 Grand Final Package in Windows Media $4.99: Women's Lightweight 8 Grand Final in Windows Media $4.99: Men's Lightweight 8 Grand Final in Windows Media $4.99: Men's Freshman 8 Grand Final in Windows Media $4.99: Men's Second Varsity 8 Grand Final in Windows Media $9.99: IRA Value Pak in Windows Media (includes all 5 Grand Final races) |
Click the picture to watch the Highlight Promo. 12 MB, 1:01. Flash version. Order DVDs.
Order Your 2009 IRA DVDs. $39.95 plus shipping and tax.